Regional Transportation Planning Organization
In July 2013, Ohio Mid-Eastern Governments Association became one of the five non-MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) regional councils in Ohio taking part in a two year pilot program to establish Regional Transportation Planning Organizations (RTPOs) in Ohio. The purpose of this pilot program was to provide the rural areas of Ohio, that are not within the service boundaries of an MPO, a method by which to provide meaningful input to transportation planning activities taking place in Ohio. The pilot program was successfully completed in June 2015.
On January 27, 2016, Governor Kasich formally designated OMEGA as an RTPO, along with our four other partner organizations, pursuant to United States Code, Title 23, Section 135(m). This designation covers the Ohio counties of Carroll, Columbiana, Coshocton, Guernsey, Harrison, Holmes, Muskingum, and Tuscarawas. This RTPO designation provides for the OMEGA Executive Board, consisting primarily of local elected officials, and the Ohio Department of Transportation to conduct an ongoing regional transportation planning process focused on promoting and enhancing the OMEGA region’s economic, social, and natural environments. To learn more about our RTPO, follow this link: or click the image below.
The RTPO consists of three staff members overseen by the Transportation Director. The Executive Board functions as the Policy Board. The RTPO is also guided by the Citizens Advisory Board and the Transportation Advisory Committee. More information may be found here.
Our current SFY 2024 Work Plan outline the activities our RTPO staff will undertake throughout the fiscal year and consists of:
- Short and Long-Range Transportation Planning
- Development/maintenance of a four-year Regional Transportation Improvement Plan
- Implementation of the 2020 OMEGA Regional Transportation & Development Plan
- Grant Writing/Assistance
- Asset Management
- Technical Services
- Curve Speed Studies
- Traffic Counts
- Bike/Pedestrian Counts
- Crash Analysis