Coordinated Transportation Plan
The lead agency for the Guernsey County Coordinated Transportation Plan is Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc. Pages 6 – 7 includes a Geographic and a current Demographic Statistical Analysis using US Census Data. Including the lead agency, there are a total of six transportation service providers that participated in the plan update and are active in the county. These agencies can be found on page 11 of the plan. There is a total of 72 vehicles across these agencies, 38 of which are wheelchair accessible. The vehicle information is on page 19 in the Vehicle Utilization Table. An analysis of the current transportation needs, and gaps can be found on pages 21 – 27 with a summary of the public survey. The public survey results can be found on pages 23 – 26. There were five goals that were established by the participating stakeholders and are currently being implemented. The participating stakeholders can be found in Appendix A. The Guernsey County Coordinated Plan was officially updated in April 2017 to meet the new ODOT standards and was last updated in April 2018.
Lead Agency Contact
Shon Gress, Executive Director
Guernsey County Senior Citizens Center, Inc.